Cisco HyperFlex Cluster Expansion – ‘Failure occurred during Configuring Installer process: Authentication Failure’

I’ve been working on a few Cisco HyperFlex projects lately and ran into this issue while attempting to add a new HX node to an existing HyperFlex cluster using the HXDP installer.

“Failure occurred during Configuring Installer process: Authentication Failure”

Fortunately, this bug is documented here by Cisco, the cause being a difference in passwords between the Hyperflex root and admin account on the HyperFlex controllers. To resolve, they recommend changing the admin password using the following commands entered via an SSH session to the HyperFlex controller VM with the management VIP.

stcli security password set -u admin

These commands are basically trying to match the current root and admin passwords, unfortunately, the suggested commands would result in the below error for me.

Workaround error

I was able to get it working with the below command

stcli security password set –user admin

Workaround successful

Now the HyperFlex cluster expansion can continue.

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